Veronica Stich


The author's first novel The Rise of the New Queen was a science fiction book released in 2006. Ronnie (Veronica Campbell) then wrote The Assassination Race in the same year and then set the manuscript aside until 2013. The Assassination Race was released in August of 2013. After critical praise, she wrote and released the second book in the Assassination Race series, Curse of the Sacred Wolf in October of 2013. The Assassination Race became an award-winning novel in February of 2014. The Assassination Race then won it's second national award in May of 2014.

Creepy Friends (released April 25, 2014) is the Author's first young adult book and has also been received favorably. Creepy Friends won national and international awards in May of 2014. Her next projects will include another Creepy Friends novel as well as a crime drama that is already in the works for release in 2015.

Veronica also writes as a freelance music journalist for publications such as

Curse of the Sacred Wolf and Creepy Friends covers designed by Steven Juliano. Photo credit Assassination Race cover Rick Gomez.